Supporting dormice conservation in the Mendip Hills
Batts Combe quarry is working with a number of local organisations and landowners led by the Somerset Wildlife Trust (SWT), on an ambitious project to prevent the decline of hazel dormice in the Mendip Hills.
Gravel donation helps build school’s new spiritual garden
Our Batts Combe quarry’s donation of gravel helped to lay the foundations for Weare Academy C of E First School’s new spiritual garden. The dedicated space will provide a peaceful retreat where children and staff can connect with nature, reflect and practice mindfulness.
Our Batts Combe quarry, in Somerset, has donated materials to the National Trust as part of a significant project to restore and enhance the Cheddar Gorge Walk.
Volunteers from our Batts Combe and Whatley quarries received a big ‘thank you’ from Axe Valley Men’s Shed for helping to create a new garden and growing area at its Shortlands plot on the edge of Axbridge.
Science lessons were brought to life for the Redwood class from Axbridge C of E First School Academy when they visited our Batts Combe quarry to see operations first-hand.
The Christmas star is once again shining brightly above Batts Combe quarry after Cheddar First School pupil George won our festive colouring competition to switch on the lights.
Congratulations to Cheddar First School pupil Theo, who won our Christmas colouring competition and the honour of switching on the star above our Batts Combe quarry.
A small team from our Batts Combe quarry took part in the careers fair at Kings of Wessex Academy in Cheddar to highlight the opportunities that exist for young people within the heavy building materials industry.