Improving access to south Wales activity centre
A donation of materials from our Penderyn quarry near Merthyr Tydfil in south Wales is helping smooth the path to Daerwynno Outdoor Centre, near Pontypridd.
We have supplied 20 tonnes of stone to improve access to the activity centre in St Gwynno Forest, which is used by schools, community groups and businesses.
“The charity approached us looking to buy some material to repair the access road, which had become very rutted with large potholes due to heavy use, frost and rain,” said Mike Wilkes, who is general foreman at Craig-yr-Hesg quarry, which is located close to the centre.
“We advised them on the best material to use, which was Penderyn stone due to its level of grip, and were delighted to be able to donate it to this fantastic community facility.”
The stone was laid by Pritchards to create better access to the centre, which offers basic residential accommodation and a range of outdoor leisure activities such as rock climbing, canoeing and orienteering.
“We can’t thank Heidelberg Materials enough for the donation,” said Jill Price, honorary secretary for the centre. “The outcome has been fantastic and will make a huge difference to everyone using the centre.”