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Responding to feedback received

We were pleased to welcome many local people to our drop in event in March at which we outlined proposals to extract limestone from additional reserves within the quarry’s existing boundary. 

The project team valued the discussions they had with local people and these, along with feedback received, helped shape our extension proposals. Our response to the topics raised and how they have impacted our final plans have bend added to the FAQs at the bottom of the Making best use of our mineral  resources section.  See more

Information shared at the event can also be viewed/downloaded.    

Residents also provided constructive feedback on our current operations. We are grateful for this as it helps us as we work to be a good neighbour and further mitigate the impact of our operation where we can.  For more on the action we have taken in response to the issues raised see here

Plans submitted

We have now submitted our extension application to South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) and it is now carrying out its own consultation on our plans. This includes consulting with statutory bodies and inviting comments from residents before making its decision. 

If approved, our proposals would secure around three years of additional mineral reserves at Tytherington quarry.