Opportunity knocks for our leaders of tomorrow

Our newest group of potential future managers and supervisors may come from different educational backgrounds, but they are all keen and motivated about making the most of their opportunities. Fiona Bradshaw is based at Shardlow quarry and says the following about her first impressions of the programme.

“So far, I have been gaining an understanding of how quarries operate from the people who know.

Seeing things first hand makes the understanding a lot easier and more memorable, and it is great to visit lots of different sites.

I applied with a level three engineering BTEC.

The programme aims to show you everything and open many opportunities to expand your knowledge.

First impressions? A mainly male workplace, though everyone is treated as an equal.

I really like that you’re valued as part of the team and your input is encouraged, with plenty of support.”

For more information on the programme Fiona is currently participating in visit our careers website at:
