Blasting notifications

To keep our near neighbours informed about planned quarry blasts, we have introduced a free blast notification service for residents living close to Tytherington quarry.

Quarry blasting in the UK is highly regulated and extensive monitoring highlights that all blasts at Tytherington quarry are well within permitted limits. Our blast notification text service includes a weekly notification sent at the start of the week detailing the outline timings for blasts scheduled in the coming days, plus a notification approximately half an hour ahead of each blast.  There is no charge for this service and subscribers can opt out at any time. 

All residents have to do to sign up to the blast notification service is email us at:  and advise if you would like to receive a text message to your mobile phone (please provide the number) and/or via email.

Full details of Heidelberg Materials' privacy policy and how personal data is processed is available at: 

For more information on blasting see our response to feedback received at our recent drop in event here.